Inven vs. Cyndx
21M+ companies globally
20M+ companies globally
Contact Data
Verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A and CFO.
Cyndx has contact information but on their website they do not specify what sort of data they have.
Search Quality
Identifies companies based on your written description. AI screener goes through all relevant companies that match your written instruction. No need to rely on industry codes or keywords.
Search with exact match keywords and example companies.
Search based on written description (natural language)
Dedicated Customer Support
See how these two compare on numbers
International company coverage
Customer service

millions of data points
Find what you would otherwise miss
advanced filters
Filter companies based on their ownership
- Ownership type: Public, Private, Private equity-backed, Family owned
- Business model: Software vs. non-software
- Founded year
- Financial data