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Find potential investors and buyers

Investor search and contact data on Inven

Connect with investors focused on your niche

Quickly find and connect with financial or strategic buyers in your niche market. Instantly view investors who have acquired companies in your specific vertical, streamlining your search for the perfect match.

Inven investor profile with past deals and contact data

Build comprehensive buyer lists

Save time and effort by focusing on the right buyers. Our advanced filters allow you to search for VCs, PEs, and strategic buyers, while narrowing down your industry focus.

Inven's investor search

Assess investor’s fit at a glance

Make informed decisions quickly with our detailed investor profiles. Get key insights into past deals, average deal value, and a breakdown of deals by country, industry, and company size.

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How it works

How Investor Search works


Select your target investor type: VCs, PE firms, or strategic buyers.


Filter investors by portfolio, focus, location, and deal preferences.


Review investor profiles and their historical deals.


Save the best matches to your list.


Access their contact details and LinkedIn profiles—then reach out!

"We were able to add roughly 50 potential buyers, both strategic and financial, to our list using Inven. The AI-driven search in Inven was pivotal in refining our buyer list, making the process more targeted and efficient."

Kirk Michie, Managing Partner at Candor Advisors

There’s even more to Inven

Company Alerts

Stay informed about new companies and notable events in your industry.

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Chrome Extension

Get company data instantly as you browse—no more switching tabs or platforms.

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Company Search

The best way to find niche companies and their data.

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Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions? We are here to help.
How Inven works?
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We scan millions of websites, news sources, and social media platforms to find companies matching your search criteria. It gathers headcount information, contact data, and other key data points to provide a comprehensive view of the matching companies. This saves you countless hours of manual desktop research, so you can focus on analyzing information and making informed decisions.

What datapoints do you have?
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With Inven you'll find all the relevant companies, custom descriptions, headcount, industry, ownership type, company growth, contacts, recent M&A deals - and a lot more!