21M+ most relevant companies in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania
Database consists of 10M+ companies. Their website does not specify the countries these companies are based in.
Middle-market company coverage
Lower middle-market and middle-market companies internationally (US, Canada, South America, Europe, Oceania)
Lower middle-market and middle-market companies (data not available on which countries)
Ownership Data
Filter PE-backed companies, family-owned companies, publicly listed companies.
Filter PE-backed companies, publicly listed companies, bootstrapped companies.
Search quality
Identifies companies based on your written description. AI screener goes through all relevant companies that match your written instruction. No need to rely on industry codes or keywords.
Search with keywords and example companies
Contact Data
Verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A and CFO.
7M contacts focused on executives: founders and owners.
Search by location
Search companies headquartered in any specific country, state or city – internationally.
City and state searches are limited to US-based companies. Others can only be searched by country.
Intent to sell filter
Find companies in your desired niche that are likely looking to sell.
Not available.
Revenue estimates
Buyers list building capability
Dedicated Customer Support
International company coverage
Customer service
Inven is an intelligent company data platform that harnesses AI to help M&A professionals, PE companies and Investment bankers find acquisition targets, add-on companies or competitors. By using our AI, you can easily find relevant companies just by searching with a single example company.
We scan millions of websites, news sources, and social media platforms to find companies matching your search criteria. It gathers headcount information, contact data, and other key data points to provide a comprehensive view of the matching companies. This saves you countless hours of manual desktop research, so you can focus on analyzing information and making informed decisions.
With Inven you'll find all the relevant companies, custom descriptions, headcount, industry, ownership type, company growth, contacts, recent M&A deals - and a lot more!
All our contact data is verified and validated to ensure maximum deliverability. We have verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A and CFO.
Inven uses the most granular and up-to-date data available. We use data from company websites, official government registers, news articles, blogs, social media and many other sources. Our database consists of millions of data points world-wide that are combined and enriched with AI.
No more detective work or endless Google searches. Inven makes it easy to find companies based on what they actually do, with all the relevant data points and insights.
Inven's AI algorithms and NLP solutions analyze millions of data points globally from a wide range of sources. Say goodbye to fragmented information and access comprehensive, actionable data on any niche.
Inven is becoming an essential tool in our belt when searching for prospective buyers or sellers. We have expedited our prospecting efforts, and we have been able to increase our volumes. I have also found Inven to be a reliable resource for market research.
Using Inven gives us a significant competitive advantage. We can identify and target relevant companies without needing a dedicated research team, which saves us time and resources.
There are a lot of companies that Inven has which other platforms don't. The same search with Inven brought a vast number of companies that softwares like Grata missed.
I'm very impressed with Inven's offerings and currently consider Inven as the market leader in terms of performance.
Inven is a great instrument for target search. It significantly enhances the efficiency of identifying potential targets and facilitates a rapid comprehension of relevant market landscapes. Utilizing Inven allows us to increase our productivity and create more value to our clients.
We were able to add roughly 50 potential buyers, both strategic and financial, to our list using Inven. The AI-driven search in Inven was pivotal in refining our buyer list, making the process more targeted and efficient.
Inven's AI-enabled search has expanded what our team can do. Not only do we feel confident that we are looking at the majority of relevant M&A targets, but it also does the heavy lifting for us. One person can now do in a day, what used to take our team three days.
Inven has been an invaluable asset for our deal sourcing efforts. With its comprehensive database and advanced search capabilities, we’ve been able to quickly identify promising middle-market companies and build a strong pipeline of potential deals.
Inven has become my most valuable tool when searching for strategic buyers and acquisition targets. What used to take an analyst hours to compile can now be completed in minutes. I now use it on virtually every project.
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