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crm integrations

Effortless workflows with CRM integrations

No more copy-pasting. We offer CRM integrations with HubSpot, Salesforce, and Affinity, allowing you to seamlessly access the companies you’ve found.

Inven CRM integrations: affinity, hubspot, salesforce

Manage your pipeline

Stay up-to-date on which companies you’ve reached out to, and which are still waiting for you to get touch.

Seamless workflows with inven

Easily contact leads

Sync your Inven company lists with your CRM leads and start connecting effortlessly.

Inven CRM integrations data flow

See the companies you already know

The CRM sync works both ways. Identify which companies are already in your CRM and exclude them from your search.

Inven CRM integrations search

"Inven is great. It's easy to use and effective. The direct integration with Salesforce, as well as the data it extracts, are top-notch. It's a one-stop shop, and I use it every day."

Jordan Phillips, M&A at Valsoft Corporation

How it works

How the CRM integrations work


Sync your CRM for seamless workflows.


Filter out companies already in your CRM.


Identify new opportunities by spotting companies you haven’t contacted yet.

There’s even more to Inven

Contact data

Connect with decision-makers by accessing verified contact data on 430M+ professionals.

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Chrome Extension

Get company data instantly as you browse—no more switching tabs or platforms.

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Intent to Sell signals

Find the best off-market deals by filtering for companies that are more likely to sell.

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Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions? We are here to help.
How Inven works?
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We scan millions of websites, news sources, and social media platforms to find companies matching your search criteria. It gathers headcount information, contact data, and other key data points to provide a comprehensive view of the matching companies. This saves you countless hours of manual desktop research, so you can focus on analyzing information and making informed decisions.

Is the contact data verified?
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All our contact data is verified and validated to ensure maximum deliverability. We have verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A and CFO.

What datapoints do you have?
Button icon that shows the question's answer

With Inven you'll find all the relevant companies, custom descriptions, headcount, industry, ownership type, company growth, contacts, recent M&A deals - and a lot more!

What is Inven?
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Inven is an intelligent company data platform that harnesses AI to help M&A professionals, PE companies and Investment bankers find acquisition targets, add-on companies or competitors. By using our AI, you can easily find relevant companies just by searching with a single example company.

Where does the data come from?
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Inven uses the most granular and up-to-date data available. We use data from company websites, official government registers, news articles, blogs, social media and many other sources. Our database consists of millions of data points world-wide that are combined and enriched with AI.