Find companies from our extensive database of over 21 million companies. Inven has the largest coverage of lower middle market and middle market companies, globally.
With Inven, you can simply describe the type of companies you're looking for using natural language.
Use an example company to find businesses just like it. Our algorithms analyze its characteristics and operations, then search our database to list all comparable companies.
With our advanced filters, you can precisely narrow down your search.
"Using Inven gives us a significant competitive advantage. We can identify and target relevant companies without needing a dedicated research team, which saves us time and resources."
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We scan millions of websites, news sources, and social media platforms to find companies matching your search criteria. It gathers headcount information, contact data, and other key data points to provide a comprehensive view of the matching companies. This saves you countless hours of manual desktop research, so you can focus on analyzing information and making informed decisions.
All our contact data is verified and validated to ensure maximum deliverability. We have verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A and CFO.
With Inven you'll find all the relevant companies, custom descriptions, headcount, industry, ownership type, company growth, contacts, recent M&A deals - and a lot more!
Inven is an intelligent company data platform that harnesses AI to help M&A professionals, PE companies and Investment bankers find acquisition targets, add-on companies or competitors. By using our AI, you can easily find relevant companies just by searching with a single example company.