We’re excited to share our newest development to help you find precedent transactions, historical transaction multiples and funding rounds  - and to know what’s happening on the market. Meet Inven’s Deal Search!

Designed specifically for investment banks and private equity firms, this feature simplifies the discovery of historical deal data, delivering unparalleled insights into market dynamics.

What’s Deal Search All About?

Inven is already your go-to platform for company searches, offering detailed data on headcounts, headquarters locations, and revenue estimates. With Deal Search, we're taking things next step further. Our database now houses an extensive collection of deals, and this number is growing rapidly. By analyzing over 4 million news sources, websites and transaction databases, we provide you with the most up-to-date, accurate insights into the industries that matter most to you.

The Perks of Using Deal Search

Find transactions you'd otherwise miss: Discovering deals in your niche market often involves sifting through news, conducting manual searches, talking with your network and digging into various databases. We've simplified this process by gathering all relevant transactions in one place, accessible through an easy-to-use search interface.

Get better transaction multiples: By analyzing deals worldwide, you'll gain insight into a broad spectrum of transaction multiples, helping you secure deals at the right prices.

Understand the market faster: Quickly grasp market dynamics by easily viewing all acquisitions, mergers, and funding rounds in any sector. Simply search based on the target company or investor to get a comprehensive overview.

Why We Think You’ll Love Deal Search

While past transactions offer valuable insights, making sure you’ve found the most relevant ones can be daunting. With crucial info scattered all over the web, staying on top of market trends and past transactions usually means endless news scrolling and a lot of manual legwork.

Enter Inven’s Deal Search. We’re analyzing over 4 million sources, from the nitty-gritty of private equity portfolios to the latest news, to bring you all the vital data right when you need it. Our platform is intuitively designed for ease of use, ensuring you have access to the necessary information exactly when you need it. Now, what you do with all that intel is entirely up to you.

So, whether you are an investment banker on the hunt for new clients or buyers, a private equity professional looking into industry trends and growth opportunities, or a venture capitalist in search of the next significant breakthrough, Deal Search is crafted to simplify your processes.